More than a consultancy

Good Stuff International is a global company of experts that support people and organisations in sustainable water use, ecosystem restoration and biodiversity protection.

Water Stewardship Platform Zona Bananera

Water Stewardship Plaform, Colombia

Since 2015, we collaborate with WWF Colombia and WWF Germany in the Water Stewardship Platform in the North-East of Colombia. The platform is a collective environmental initiative involving public, private and civil society organisations, It has the objective to improve the water security in the watersheds connecting the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (protected area and UNESCO Biosphere Reserve) and the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta. (protected area, RAMSAR Site and UNESCO Biosphere Reserve)

Since its foundation, the Plataforma de Cooperación y Custodia del Agua (PCCA) has made important progress in bringing together the various stakeholders, building capacity, developing joint strategies, and executing projects to mitigate water risks and conserve and restore strategic eco-systems – de Cienega Grande and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta - while promoting water governance at a local level.
The platform is important to manage the high physical, regulatory and reputational water risks that confront not only the local stakeholders but also the the global agricultural value chains that source from the region.

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