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Good Stuff International is a global company of experts that support people and organisations in sustainable water use, ecosystem restoration and biodiversity protection.
Sentinel 2 SWIR image on 2 October 2021 of Ica upper catchment in Huancavelica department in Peru. High andean wetlands (bofedales) are shown in the red elipses, the blue boxes show irrigated agriculture. Own elaboration of Copernicus Sentinel 2 data 2021, processed by ESA.

Protection of andean wetlandsto improve the sustainability ofagricultural production in Ica, Peru

Protection of high andean wetlands or 'bofedales', is a concrete opportunity to improve the sustainability of agricultural production (mainly avocado and asparagus) in Ica, Peru.

In the upstream of Ica catchment, we identified a complex of wetlands of about 3000 ha large using remote sensing. These wetlands are sources of the Ica river and the groundwater aquifer that supply the water for the production of avocado and asparagus for export.

In Ica, people are more and more concerned about the rapid decline of the groundwater aquifer. This is a direct threat to the continued agricultural exports from the region. The production in Ica will need to become more water sustainable and address the sustainaibility of the entire Ica catchment. 

A direct and concrete opportunity for this is the protection of the sources of water in Ica, the 'bofedales'. Agro-exporting companies could start investing and collaborating with the current users of the bofedales, the pastoralists, to ensure their protection and sustainable use.

If you want to know more about the technical process we used for the identification, or have ideas or initiatives that contribute to the protection of bofedales, please contact us !

Sustainable production of agricultural commodities in Ica, Peru depends on the protection of High Andean wetlands.

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